Color retention technology of canned mungbean sprouts was studied in this text. 以新鲜绿豆芽下胚轴为材料,研究了绿豆芽罐头加工中的烫漂护色工艺。
The color retention methods during the dry flower making are described in detail. 并对制作过程的保色与干燥方法进行详述。
The combination of effects has been recognized as a major cause of fabric or yarn loss of strength or color retention. 联合作用,是织物和纱线强力下降以及色度损失的主要因素。
Research on Color Retention and Color on Food 食用色素及其护色应用研究
Study on color retention process of dried litchi 原色荔枝干护色工艺研究
Research on the application of color retention agents in red koji wine 护色剂在红曲酒中的应用研究
The resulting juice exhibited an improved shelf-life and a more stabilized color, with an optimum retention of its components through the manipulation of some influencing factors such as pH, ascorbic acid concentration, storage temperature and degree of pasteurization. 通过操纵一些影响因素,如pH,VC浓度,储藏温度和巴氏杀菌程度,经处理后的果汁表现出较长的货架期和更加稳定的颜色,更好地保持营养成分。
Because of the stability of Si& O bond, modification of acrylic resin with silicone can improve the exterior durability, color retention and dirt pickup resistance. 由于Si&O键较稳定,故以有机硅改性的丙烯酸树脂配制涂料,可提高涂料的耐候性、保色性和耐沾污性。
Study on the color-retention technique of pepper sauce 辣椒酱护色工艺研究
Safety Evaluation of Meat Products Using Carbon Monoxide for Color Retention 一氧化碳发色肉制品安全性分析
The experiment result indicated that the bacterial colony count and acidity had not exceed the standard and obvious flocculate with using the green food color retention antistaling agent on sweet milk drink which was sterilized at 100 ℃ for 30 minutes and preserved at normal temperature for 31 days. 实验结果表明:在甜牛乳饮料中使用绿色食品护色保鲜剂,经100℃30min杀菌后,常温保存31天菌落总数、酸度未超标,无明显絮凝;
Preliminary Discussion on How to Ensure the Color Retention of Exterior Emulsion Paint 浅谈如何确保外墙乳胶色漆的保色性
High performance here means high weather durability, high dirt-pickup resistance and high color retention and low toxicity. 所谓高性能是指三高一低,即高耐候性、高耐沾污性、高保色性和低毒性。
This paper reviews the technological process of making dry flowers in terms of material collection, selection, color retention, dry-forming, rigid treatment, technical processing, artistic composition, combination of dry flowers as products, etc. 文章从素材采集,筛选,保色,干燥成型,刚性处理,技巧性加工,艺术构成,最后组合成作品等方面,综述了干燥花的制作工艺流程。